10 ways medical marijuana can be used to treat disease

  1. AIDS and HIV:

Researchers studied 10 individuals with HIV who used marijuana and found that those who did so ate better, slept more effectively, and were in a better mood. Another small study with only 50 people found that individuals who smoked weed had less neuropathic pain. Do check out: Toronto Weed Delivery

  1. Alzheimer:

Medical marijuana and some of the compounds in the marijuana plant have been used to aid people to gain weight, and studies have shown that it calms some of the disruptive behaviors these people can have. The researchers found that it slowed the growth of protein buildup in the brain. Scientists think that these proteins might play a role in what causes Alzheimer’s, but they aren’t sure.

  1. Joint pain:

A study of people who used marijuana products found that they had less arthritis pain and fell asleep better. Marijuana can additionally assist in combating inflammation that causes pain.

  1. Asthma:

There are not many Studies , but early research shows it lowered asthma caused by exercise. Other cell tests showed that smoking marijuana could open up people’s airways, but some patients said their chests and throats felt tight.

  1. Cancer:

Tests on animals indicate that some parts of marijuana may be able to kill some types of cancer cells. The psychoactive part of marijuana, THC, made radiation work better on cancer cells. Also, marijuana can help stop the nausea that often comes with cancer treatments like chemotherapy.

  1. Long-term pain:

The endocannabinoid system controls things like how much pain you feel. Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters that the body makes. They connect to cannabinoid receptors. It has been shown that CBD may help ease chronic pain by affecting the function of endocannabinoid receptors, lowering inflammation, and working with neurotransmitters.

  1. Crohn’s disease:

For 13 patients monitored over three months, a small pilot study found that inhaling cannabis did make life better for people with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. As a result, it made people feel better, had less diarrhea, and gained weight.

  1. epilepsy

Cannabinoids, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main ingredient in marijuana, stop seizures by attaching to brain cells that manage how excited and relaxed people are. People who use marijuana can stop epileptic seizures. It also makes the signs of Dravet’s Syndrome, a severe seizure disease, less severe.

  1. Having glaucoma:

One of the main reasons people go blind is glaucoma. Scientists have studied how THC affects this disease of the optic nerve and found that it can lower eye pressure. However, it could also decrease blood pressure, which might harm the nerve because it wouldn’t get as much blood.

  1. multiple sclerosis:

Marijuana or a few of the chemicals found in it may help stop muscle cramps, pain, tremors, and stiffness. Marijuana use can make it harder to remember things.

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